Revision as of 16:30, 24 March 2017 by Rafferty (talk | contribs) (→‎Conclave)
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Over winter of 2016/2017 we have carried out our annual review of the rules from last few years of Empire. As usual we are implementing some changes to the published rules. We are in the process of updating the wiki and the downtime system to reflect the changes, but will summarize and explain all changes here so that players can identify the changes easily.

We will try to include a section after each rules update to explain the reasoning behind the change.

We will post a link to this page once the update is complete, and continue to update this page throughout 2017 with any major changes.

If your character has an ability that has changed because of these rules changes then you are welcome to remove this skill by emailing us.


We have made a number of changes to the running of the Conclave, summarized below:

  • Gambits have been removed. The entire system was not creating the kind of game we intended, so we have removed it completely.
  • Free minutes of discussion have been removed. Previously the first person nominated by each grandmaster in each round of discussion after a gambit spoke for free. Going forward everyone has to pay for their minutes during the discussion.
  • (ETA) A line referencing an ability to the civil service to allow people to speak was removed.
  • No more question and answer sessions. Anyone making an address or declaration, or speaking in response to them, has to speak themselves. In keeping with the Principle of Presence it is no longer possible to engage in question and answer sessions, or allow someone else to talk substantially on your behalf during the minutes you have paid for.
  • Declarations come into effect at the end of the session. Previously there had been some confusion about when a declaration before the Conclave came into effect. All declarations now take effect at the end of the session
  • Precedence is calculated at the start of the event. Rather than calculating precedence based on the attendance of Conclave, we are establishing precedence shortly before the start of each event using the number of magicians who possess each order's Arcane Mark as recorded on our database. We intend to make this calculation as close as possible to time-in to take into account gate bookings wherever possible. Previously precedence involved a great deal of counting and would regularly delay the start of the Conclave session.
  • Grandmasters receive their order's resources. Going forward, the grandmaster of each order gets the resources that were previously locked in the conclave vaults. We've coupled this with an explicit statement that the grandmaster is responsible for using these resources to the benefit of their order and in pursuit of their order's goals.
  • Grandmasters may be challenged. A system whereby members of an order may declare a lack of confidence in their grandmaster, triggering a new election, has been introduced.
  • Sorcerors do not lose their resources. Previously, sorcerors lost their personal resource if it was a mana site and it became the property of the Conclave. We have removed this stricture. A sorceror still keeps their mana site. Although it is illegal for them to carry the mana it produces, it is acceptable for them to pass the mana to an ally before the game begins.
  • Archmages deal with eternals. The archmagi have gained two new powers - plenipotentiary and parley.
  • (ETA) Declaration of the Balance has been removed. This declaration was potentially extremely time consuming and disruptive for minimal benefits and has been largely superseded by the ability for order members to challenge their grandmasters.

There may be additional tweaks to the wiki in line with these changes over the next week, and we are still discussing a few procedural and implementation points which should be clarified in the next few days.

The Locked Gate of Mutualism demands that private resources only be used for the common good.


The Conclave represents a fascinating design challenge in Empire because of it's mass participation nature. The more players who participate in the Conclave game - the slower the game runs and the less enjoyable it becomes. Obviously the point your character is raising is incredibly important - but the more players who are present the greater the chance that you will have to listen to speeches that don't interest you personally from other players.

Any format like this in a LRP game risks reaching a stable equilibrium at the point where it gets sufficiently large that almost everyone is unhappy with it. If more players join - then everyone gets less happy with the resulting game - so some players drop out. As more players drop out of the Conclave game, it speeds up and gets more enjoyable. It is quite possible that there is literally no way to build a Conclave game that won't ultimately result in a situation where everyone is unhappy at how long the meetings are, if that unhappiness is the only check on the length of the meetings.

That caveat aside, we spent the winter reviewing the extensive feedback from the Summer about the Conclave - reading player experiences of the Conclave and looking at the things they enjoyed and how we could support that. The review made clear that there were improvements that we could make to the Conclave to ensure it ran more efficiently. Generally we know that things that make the Conclave run more efficiently are likely to be relatively popular. At best these changes might result in shorter, more enjoyable meetings which would be great. But even if they don't then the Conclave would be at least as enjoyable as it is now - but with more players involved.

Removing the counts of order size before each session is an obvious way to reduce the drag on the sessions. It also reduces our paperwork and administration which allows us to spend that time improving other parts of the game. Crucially it gets away from a model in which grandmasters might be inclined to encourage players who don't enjoy the Conclave game to turn up so that they can count for precedence. There's no evidence that that was happening - but that is the model that the old approach encouraged. On the face of it it encourages participation - but people who are enjoying the Conclave game don't need encouragement to attend - we want players who don't enjoy the Conclave game to find their fun elsewhere.

Removing free minutes to respond to issues is intended to help speed up the Conclave and reduce the potential for "I agree" speeches. One of the essential elements of the Conclave that was designed to try and keep meetings short was to charge people 1 mana crystal per minute to speak. The goal is to say to people that you shouldn't be talking in Conclave if you don't have something worthwhile to say. The idea of free minutes to respond to declarations really undermined this because it gave people a chance to speak without paying for everyone's time - and worse it encouraged people to say things "so as not to waste the free minute".

The change removing the possibility for question and answer sessions has a similar intent - to keep the meetings tightly focussed and prevent drift into conversation. We want conversation to happen - but not in the Conclave when someone has the floor. The time for magicians to be engaging in politics and discussions is in smaller groups before and after the Conclave. We want to encourage that kind of politics to happen outside the Conclave session.

The change to gambits is very different. It was clear from the feedback that many players didn't enjoy the gambits, they did not work as a public spectacle. Crucially we felt that the gambits had failed to achieve the kind of political game we had hoped for - almost all gambits passed, most were equally funded by each order. There was surprisingly little evidence that the different political ambitions of the orders were having a significant influence on which gambits they were prepared to fund. Even worse was the appearance of gambits to get the mana crystals out of the vault so that the grandmaster could use - we didn't have a problem with the grandmasters having the crystals - we're all in favour of a bit of corruption - it's good for the game. But there didn't seem to be much game in having the grandmasters agree to give themselves their own mana.

By giving the entire contents of an order's vault to the grandmaster at the start of every event, we make the administration of the game considerably easier but more importantly we hope to encourage a strong sense of ownership of the mana crystals by the grandmaster (and her order). The previous system - in which access to the vaults had to be agreed collectively meant that there was unwanted pressure for that access to be for the common good. In effect we had a fairly unique economic phenomena - a sort of reverse tragedy of the commons. Instead of a collective good - that could be accessed individually (which in classic economic theory leads to ruin) we had a personal good - that could only be accessed collectively. So instead of parochial, political, selfish, corrupt use of an order's mana - which is what we would want to happen - we saw the opposite.

We hope that the change will encourage grandmasters to meet with members of their order, to discuss their vaults and how they will use the contents to further their order's ambitions. We hope that grandmasters will think twice about paying a mana crystal for a magician to stand up and say "I agree" when that is one less mana crystal that they could be using for their own personal enchantments. We are optimistic that there will still be just as much game as there ever was for magicians who want to access the Conclave's vaults - but now that game will take place outside of Conclave. Now you will have to convince the Grandmaster of the Rod and Shield why your magical experiment benefits her order's objectives, rather than having to present a single picture of how your plan benefits everyone.

Of course it's possible that grandmasters will simply pocket the lot and be sitting pretty as the most magically rich citizens in the Empire. Great! Corruption is great for the game and definitely something we're always looking for ways to encourage where possible. However we need checks and balances - levers for players to pull to oppose such chicanery - so that politics and game can happen. So we have removed the declaration of balance which was not fit for purpose and replaced it with a new mechanism for replacing a grandmaster.

The old mechanism was incredibly difficult to access and worse it risked chewing through the precious time in Conclave to allow an order to settle their internal disputes. We want that game to happen - but we want it to happen outside Conclave - 70 members of the Rod and Shield probably don't want to wait 15 minutes while the Shuttered Lantern decide who their grandmaster is going to be. The new change means that the issue is decided internally by the order - it makes it far easier for an order to replace their grandmaster, so grandmasters will have to consider what steps they have to take to keep the backing of their order.

Removing gambits is obviously a blow to the archmage and the war mage. The war mage gained the gambit in the original major revision of Conclave - it was never a core part of the game design that the representative from the Conclave to the Military Council - the magician tasked with representing them to the generals should have enhanced powers to draw on the resources of the Conclave. That set-up risked the position operating the other way round in practice - with the war mage representing the Military Council to the Conclave and using a gambit to let them know what the Military Council wanted from them. Now we hope that the war mage will be able to negotiate directly with each grandmaster to let them know what the Military Council are planning and see what the orders are prepared to do to help.

However the archmages lack that essential constituency. It's clear why a grandmaster might give aid to the war mage - and by extension the Military council because that would help the Empire fights its wars. It's not clear at all why the grandmasters would offer any help or support to the archmages now that they no longer needed their participation in the gambit process. We have always felt that the archmage should have a clear focus on magic - on being a magician - and on using the power and influence of their realm. So it made sense to try and create a new power for the archmage that exemplified that.

We now that players have long wanted a way to contact eternals. The original mechanism at the start of the game - where any player could send any number of messages to any number of eternals was utterly broken. There are more players than there are plot writers - we simply could not keep up with the flow of requests and so many of them were just getting no response. We put a stop to that - and that gave us time to redesign a new mechanism - one where players can contact any eternal - and be pro-active about creating new opportunities for the Empire and their characters - but which is limited in number so that we can ensure that we can guarantee a response. It might not be the response you want... but something will happen. All it needed was to find the right mechanism to put that into play to give players a way to fight over it - and the archmage was the perfect opportunity to do that.

Finally we changed the rules so that sorcerers do not lose their resource. There are various technical reasons for this - it didn't make any sense at all under the existing rules framework The point of personal resources is to ensure that every character has a little wealth in their pack that they can choose to use as they wish. Of course they may give it away, commit it to the war-effort, or spend it in the bar - but that's their character choice. Taking that away made no game for anyone and just encouraged the Conclave to declare people sorcerors to try and improve their income which was nonsense - so we have cut that.

IC Explanation

Since the election of the Empress, the civil service had had the need to review all their procedures to ensure that they are inline with the actual rules laid down in law. These changes reflect corrections to errors arising from the time of emergency.

Mercenary Banner

We have changed the way the Mercenary Banner magical item works. It can now only be used during the Muster of the Imperial Military Council, in the presence of an Imperial general who agrees to accept an oath of service from a member of the band. This will form a binding magical contract - the players in the band can then only take the field with the general they are serving rather than their own nation. This means we will be able to update the figures for the battle to ensure that the numbers of volunteers remains balanced for each battle.

We have also increased the cost to make the item.


Mercenary banners pose a number of significant logistical problems in Empire. Once we had run a few events, we quickly identified that the single most important factor in determining the difficulty of a battle was the number of opponents on the field. It was clear that the starting point for providing enjoyably challenging battles was to ensure that we had a roughly similar number of participants on both sides. Bolstering our numbers with our skirmish crew helps - but it wasn't enough to produce a cool engagement if there were significantly more players than volunteer monsters.

In most cases, the Military Council were making choices designed to roughly balance the sides. To ensure that happened, we provided them with a framework and statistics to support that. At the point we did that, mercenary banners became more problematic. We give the Imperial generals an in-character requirement to balance the forces they send to each battle - to reflect the out-of-character game requirements - but the mercenary banners allowed them or any group of players to throw those numbers completely out of line. The banner allowed a single sizeable group of players to take a perfectly reasonable IC decision to switch sides - rendering pointless all the politics of the Council and damaging the event for everyone.

Sadly mercenaries are fundamentally problematic in LRP. The underlying economic principles behind mercenaries simply do not work well in any game with a functioning economy. In the real world, you pay mercenaries to fight instead of you - to take risks instead of you. As a result there is an economic calculation that takes place balancing risk and reward. But in live roleplaying, taking risks is the point of the game. Paying someone to fight instead of you is akin to paying someone to enjoy the event instead of you. It doesn't make much sense, in fact I suspect it would be possible to get many players to pay for the opportunity to be in a fight. After-all they've already paid out-of-character money to be there - what's a few more in-character coins on top?

In play some players will roleplay paying to hire mercenaries - perhaps because it seems the right thing to do. Most of us are sufficiently familiar with the genre of the hard-bitten mercenary to understand how it is supposed to work - but it is hard to mitigate the problems caused by the misalignment between OOC and IC incentives. The negotiation between a general and a mercenary captain should play like that cool scene from Game of Thrones when Daenerys Targaryen tries to convince the Second Sons mercenary force to change sides. I've played a mercenary captain in LRP - it's how I wanted the scene to play out in my head - but it rarely did.

Unforunately in a game like Empire, mercenaries suffer from another problem. In a game that is all about loyalty, about the bonds that tie you to other groups, nations, and to the Empire - being loyal to yourself and your employer is not an advantage. Empire is a political game - the core focus of the game is the interactions that come from the interplay of loyalties and conflicting agendas between player-characters. Mercenaries are at severe risk of being cut out of much of this game - and the more implacable they are about playing the archetype to the full - the more likely they are to be treated as nothing more than a mercenary. Some of the feedback we received, exhorting us to keep mercenaries at any cost, sadly demonstrated this very effect - that playing a mercenary runs a very high risk of becoming your only fun in the game. By leaving them in - we are basically giving players an opportunity to have a bad time.

It's perfectly in-character for an Imperial citizen to shun a mercenary. Historically mercenaries were often socially ostracized and the genre is generally full of tales of mercenaries who face contempt and hostility from the rest of society. On paper that sounds a brilliant roleplaying challenge - social conflict is the basis for the game after-all. But if contempt and hostility slides into isolation - then instead of a brilliant roleplaying challenge the mercenary character simply finds themselves cut out of the social game, possibly without even realizing why that is happening or even that it is taking place at all.

So I argued with my colleagues for most of winter that we should cut the mercenary banner - and if necessary find a way to rewrite the League brief. I am not happy being responsible for a game if I'm not confident that every part of what we are offering offers the as many opportunities for great roleplaying as possible. It's quite possible that you can play a League mercenary and have a great time - but it's a significant concern to me that you could fail to enjoy the event because you'd chosen to play a League mercenary. I fear that it can be the Empire equivalent of the dark brooding stranger who sits alone in the tavern - a great idea on paper - a terrible character concept in practice. Worst of all - because it risks cutting you off from the wider political game, the danger is that the player doesn't even realize that it is their character archetype (something PD has provided as a cool concept to play in the game) that is the reason that they have been cut out of the game. Playing a mercenary in Empire can be a trap - it promises fun - but may not deliver.

In the end, we decided not to do it. If I had my time over again, if we were writing the game tomorrow, I would not hesitate to excise mercenaries from the game. I don't believe they provide the kind of enjoyment that other characters archetypes can - and the risk is that they detract from your game much more than they add. It's possible we'd spend some time coming up with something better - something cooler - but I've spent years wrestling with mercenaries in LRP and never been very satisfied with the results.

But changing any rule or part of the setting comes with a cost. Most rule changes impact on players to some extent but they can adapt their play style accordingly. The cost of that change is paid over time by the benefits in terms of the overall improvement to the game. But if you're playing a mercenary - if that is your character concept - then removing them from the game is not something you can adapt your play style to cope with. It is going to wreck your game. Provided we were able to ensure that the existence of mercenaries wasn't negatively impacting the game for others (by wrecking the play balance of the battles) then it seemed better to keep them and let players who were enjoying playing them continue to do so.

So that left us ensuring that the mercenary banner would be available in the game - but would not impact the ratio of volunteers to players on the battles. The new rules that we've implemented do make it trickier to use a mercenary banner - but hopefully not in a way that cuts down play options for those using them. It's even possible that mandating their use during the muster will actually help mercenary groups be more involved in the military and political game, which would be a boon if that happened. It will mean more complex administration for us, as we will have to track the size of the group using the mercenary banner - so that we can update the in-character figures used to balance the battles accordingly. But that's a price worth paying if it means people can continue to enjoy the game.

What it does leave is a risk that people will use mercenary banners to try to circumvent the rules of the Military Council. The new rules are clear that the banner only affects those characters bonded to it at the time it is used. Players cannot change sides after the muster is over, joining a group who has changed sides has no effect. But it's possible for players to get confused, or even think it's ok to ignore them. I am very conscious that passions can run high when a group of characters believe that they should be fighting on the other side in a battle. Obviously if that does happen then we'd need to revisit the decision to remove mercenary banners completely. I'm optimistic that won't happen though, provided that the players with the banners understand and respect the rules for using them.

We've increased the cost of the banner a little. Making it more expensive discourages a banner from acquiring one unless having the ability to fight in the other battle is genuinely crucial to their character and to their game. In practice, since a number of groups were assuming you needed multiple banners for large groups, (which was never the case for a mercenary banner), the effective cost will be less for some existing groups.

It does mean that a banner will need to ensure that their list of group members is up-to-date! If you are the administrative contact for your banner then you can check the group membership online at any time. If you are not a member of your banner - and you should be - then email us before the first event and we'll fix that.


  • We have created a new class of potion - philtres - which can be correctly identified by any character
  • Several basic restorative potions have been changed from being potions to being philtres

Elixir Vitae, Philtre of Strength, Skop’s Mead, MageBlood, Philtre of Heavenly Lore, Bloodharrow Philtre, Feverfail Elixir, Ossean Balm, and Anodyne Embrocation have all be changed to be philtres rather than regular potions.

Philtres use a card - like a herb or mana crystal - with all the rules for that item printed on it - instead of using a rip-open lammy like a regular potion. This means that any character can correctly identify a philtre with a quick glance at the accompanying card.

The rules for using a potion are not changed - it still requires five seconds of appropriate roleplaying - that is taking the potion bottle, removing the stopper, and drinking the contents - to use it. However you can then rip the card more quickly and take the effects described immediately without having to spend time to check the potion is what it appears to be.

Potion Card.jpg


In any LRP system it is crucial that the rules mechanisms that underpin the game must be applicable within the context in which that part of the game happens.

Rituals and spells represent an easy example of how this principle is applied in Empire. A ritual involves complex rules, so it requires at least a few minutes to perform the ritual to allow the referee time to process it. Spells are needed in the pitched heat of a battle - you can't have a spell that a character might legitimately expect to cast quickly in the heat of a battle take time to process. The application of the rules would be too intrusive and would impact the utility of the spell. The potency of the spell would then become a factor of how quickly the ref could process it - not how well the character used it.

Our current potion rules require the player to rip open a laminated strip and read the text written inside, after they have completed the five seconds of appropriate roleplaying. For most potions this is fine, if you are performing a powerful night ritual then it doesn't matter if the ref needs 30 seconds to rip open and read three potions to check what they do and how they affect your ritual.

But for common potions explicitly designed to be used in the heat of battle, the requirement to rip open and then read the lammy, required an amount of OOC time to administer and process that was not commensurate with the situations in which these potions were commonly used. In effect - the play balance of the item was coming down to how fast you could rip open the laminate. It is understandable - if unfortunate - that given those criteria, players had a tendency to do anything possible to reduce the amount of additional OOC time required to use the potion.

The new rules fix for philtres address this mismatch between the rules for how you use the item and the situations in which you use it. By putting the rules on a card - you know at a glance what the potion does - and the card can be ripped the same way a herb or mana card would be.

We haven't switched every potion to being a philtre, because there is an obvious trade off with the new cards - that they reduce the amount of mystery and roleplaying regarding what a potion does. Under the current rules for potions, any character who recognizes the physical description of the potion can be fairly certain they have correctly identified it - but the more obscure the potion the harder it is to identify. That means there is a degree of hard skill in being able to recognize and identify potions (which we regard as a positive), or that players create in-character books of lore to help them identify potions (even better!).

We want to maintain that element of the game as far as possible - so the overwhelming majority of potions have not been changed. These potions will still use a laminated strip of paper - and you must rip open the laminate and read what is written inside before you take the effects.

Please note that although it is perfectly legal to add an in-character label to the phys-rep for a potion - you must not write the in-character name of the potion on the out-of-character lammy - your character can label the bottle - the player can not add additional information to the lammy.

Shattering Blow

  • The heroic skill that allowed two-handed weapon wielders to call Shatter has been replaced with one allowing them to call Impale

Players who had weapon master and hero points were able to buy a skill called shattering blow that allowed them to expend a hero point to call Shatter when they made an appropriate roleplayed blow with a great weapon. This skill has been replaced with a new skill called mortal blow that allows a character to expend a hero point to call Impale when they made an appropriate roleplayed blow with a great weapon.

The new skill will automatically replace the old skill for any character that had bought it.


Two-handed weapons are often weak in live roleplaying because they lack the advantages of power and penetration that such weapons had in reality. Partly to compensate for this we gave them the most potent heroic call to make up for the relative advantages of other weapons.

Although this approach succeeded in making great weapons potent on the Empire battlefield, it had negative consequences in terms of player experience. Shatter is a disabling call, unless you can have your weapon restored you are unable to carry on fighting. While that is a better in-character outcome than being killed, it can be less satisfying player experience than having your character dropped, simply because you're rendered ineffective. It is also something that is almost impossible to stop using hard skills, you can't parry or block a shattering blow.

There is very definitely a place for the Shatter call in the game - but we feel that it will be better play balance to allow wizards to access the call. They cannot wear armour and hence are easily countered in other ways whereas warriors are usually wearing substantial armour.

We still wanted warriors using great weapons to be potent on the battlefield - so we have switched the call for Impale. Given that the majority of our barbarian orcs on the battlefield use medium armour, we anticipate that this will still be a very effective call - we think it's better than the Strike-down call available to pole-arm wielders and it's clearly better than the Cleave call available to warriors using a one-handed weapon.

There will be some updates to the magical weapons and rituals over time to bring them into line with the new call regime for great weapons in Empire.

Battle Mages

We have made a number of changes designed to improve battle magicians. We've added a new potent spell - shatter, improved the empower spell by reducing the cost, improved the paralysis spell by changing the limitations and increased the amount of mana available to characters that purchase extra mana. We have also clarified that spells such as entangle and repel still take effect even if they are parried or hit a shield.


The original design brief for Empire viewed the battlefield as a location for warriors to dominate - a location where those who had fighting skills would come to the fore. Crucially what we didn't want was a situation where wizards were simply more potent combatants than warriors. In practice however, it is clear that the Empire rules system allows for two very distinct types of wizard - the ritualist - and the battle mage. The former has a distinct role on the battlefield - there are certain battlefield rituals that can be invaluable in the right circumstances - but generally their main role takes place at Anvil. Battle magicians however are a very different case - like warriors the prime opportunity to use their skills is on the battlefield. The right balance for the game design would be to make them different to warriors on the battlefield - but equally useful.

The most common feedback around battle magicians tends to focus on mage armour - with people wanting it to provide resistance to Cleave or even Impale - the way regular armour does. That change would be a major mistake however - since it would make battle mages much closer to regular warriors. In a system where warriors have access to heroic abilities, the critical distinction between battle mages and warriors is their ability to take a blow. What was needed to improve battle magicians is to make the array of their offensive abilities stronger.

Hero Points

We have changed the cost to get access to hero points and to buy additional hero points. Under the new rules the required skill to get access to heroic abilities is called Hero. It costs 2 character points and grants you two hero points that you can use to overcome roleplaying effects. Extra hero points will now be a 1* skill.

The character point cost of every character will be automatically recalculated in the next few weeks to use the new formula. Characters who have bought a single level of hero points at present will thus be in deficit by a single point - these characters will not be automatically changed by us - but will not be able to spend additional character points until they have earned enough xp to pay for their current skills.


We've changed the way the cost of hero points and extra hero points are calculated for a number of reasons. It means the skill is less accessible for characters to dip into but more accessible for characters to focus on - which encourages specialization making it easier for characters to differentiate themselves from each other. It simplifies the maths of calculating hero points and additional hero points and brings the cost of these abilities into line with the cost for extra mana.

Healing and Swift Casting

We have changed the time required to cast regular spells to thirty seconds, and changed the amount of healing provided by a swift heal to 3 hits - rather than all of them. This is part of a change across the system so that heals that return all your hits (like true vervain) will now take thirty seconds to apply, while any source of healing that returns your hits instantly or in a few seconds (like second wind, healing potions, swift heal) only returns up to 3 hits lost.

As part of this change we have removed the swift heal spell and the purge spell (effectively swift purify spell) and instead said that any magician that has the heal spell or the purify spell can choose to cast these spells in a few seconds for two mana rather than one - and with reduced effects in the case of swift heal. We have extended this change across the magic system - so that all regular spells now take thirty seconds to cast - but can all be cast in a few seconds for an additional mana.


At present, healing on the battlefield is exceptionally fast. A character with a dozen hits or more can have them all restored virtually instantaneously - a problem even more acute for us when fielding large monsters that might have a score of hits or more. One of the impacts of this is that units on the battlefield that have been mauled by their opponents can be back in the fight with very little time needed to regroup and lick their wounds. That makes it harder for us to create dynamic challenges for the players on the battlefield - and because healing is cheap and plentiful, it is harder for us to challenge players and make them feel threatened.

The new rules make healing more expensive - either it is considerably slower - or it provides less hits restored for most characters. We hope that this will make battles more threatening for characters - who have more chance of running out of resources if they are being hard pressed - and more strategic for generals and unit-commanders who will have to need to take account of the need to rest units for slightly longer after they have engaged.

Having decided on the core changes, we felt it was appropriate to remove the swift heal and swift purify as spells - and instead make them free abilities granted by purchasing the heal and purify spell. This increases the availability of these abilities to any players who have invested points into them - so that any magician who can cast heal can automatically cast either version. The changes to the time required to cast regular spells - and the option to swift-cast them - has been applied to all spells for consistency although it is primarily relevant for the mend spell and the restore limb spell. Voice for the dead has been reduced in cost to a single mana point to reflect it's limited utility and to bring it into line with the other regular spells.

IC Theft

We have changed the rules so that you cannot enter someone else's IC tent once it has been sealed.


Any set of game rules has to balance different abstractions and the needs and interests of different players. Ideally rules should deliver the experience that the game organizers have claimed they seek to offer, but at the very least they should form part of a coherent package that embodies the core ideals for the game.

Although we have become accustomed to ignoring them, the abstractions around theft are particularly acute in live roleplaying. Empire is a game in which some of the players represent some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the land - and yet they regularly store vast fortunes in tents and have no guards - because tents are what we have and because Empire actively discourages guards (because we'd rather players found other more active roleplaying during the event). Robbing tents - particularly robbing tents while players have left them to go and sleep in their out-of-character sleeping area or while they are on the battlefield is a particularly odd quirk that is dependent on the limitations of the hobby.

However there is a vastly more serious problem with the current rules for stealing. Profound Decisions have made very clear that we will not tolerate language that makes reference to non-consensual sexual activity - yet the old rules permitted players to enter tents in which adults or children were sleeping. It is not consistent to try to eliminate verbal references to non-consensual activity but leave individuals in situations in which they may be awakened by discovering a stranger has entered their bedroom. Suggestions made for requiring people for whom this is a concern to sleep in the out-of-character area do not take into account the difficulty of bring two tents to the field. It's part of our approach to live roleplaying to try to ensure that our events do what is possible to provide a safe-space for people to roleplay, not to make it more difficult for them. The current rules did not meet those criteria.

Obviously the new rules will have a very significant detrimental impact on the amount of theft that takes place in the game. We understand and acknowledge that. We've tried to be clear in Empire that we are striving to deliver a grand game of politics and war, where people can build and lose empires. Crime has a very definite role to play in the game - but robbing tents has never been part of the game experience that we were trying to deliver for players. We looked at methods to try and create a balance between the players being robbed and the players doing the robbing - but at the point where it became clear that players were prepared to enter people's sleeping quarters to rob them while they were asleep then we had to make a decision about which game we were going to support. Because of the game's focus we have chosen to take steps to ensure that everyone can attend the event without fear of being awoken by a stranger in their bedroom.


We have combined a heavily modified version of this effect into the second wind ability.


The original design intent for the unstoppable skill was to reflect the hardy warrior who was difficult to put down. The character can take blow after blow, fall to the ground - but through sheer force of will rise back to their feet and carry on fighting. The goal was to reflect the heroic archetypes of great warriors of the fantasy trope.

In practice, the skill didn't really achieve this design goal very well. Because you got back up on one hit - you weren't really effective as a combatant. Instead what it was often used for was playing possum on the floor while the enemy moved on and then leaping to your feet and making a run for your lines, hoping to get back before you were chopped down. We did consider changing the name from "unstoppable" to better reflect it's usage, but there were other more significant problems with the skill.

One problem is the skill tends to break the fourth-wall in various ways that were unhelpful. Orcs who have downed a wounded Imperial character are conscious of the fact that the character has a significant chance of standing back up again so they have to move on... to allow that to happen. Of course, logically in a world in which characters possess the unstoppable ability, cutting the throats of characters that are downed is logically - something we're keen not to encourage monsters or players to do.

By combining the two skills into one but limiting the skill so it can only be used as you hit the deck we hope we will better achieve the original design intent to reflect the unstoppable warrior who just keeps on attacking - but also remove elements of looking at downed characters and monsters and thinking "are they all just going to leap back to their feet in a moment".


We have a new heroic skill to the game - relentless. A character with this skill may expend one hero point to regain the use of a single cleaved or impaled limb.


We added this because there was a space for it and we think it's cool.


The rules for grappling have been changed. If you wish to grapple or use body contact then both participants must ask permission from a referee present. If the ref is happy that both parties are keen to grapple and in their assessment it is safe to do so, then they will allow it for that fight. It is not possible to grapple or use body contact on quests, skirmishes, or battles under any circumstances.

We have also made clear that the rules that prohibit fighting while inebriated also extend to grappling. It is not permissible for a character to fight in anyway at Empire if the player has been drinking that day.


There have been incidents at the last few events where monsters have been grappled on quests and battles with absolutely no attempt of any kind to obtain permission. The reality is that battles are high adrenaline moments that take place in the woods where there are numerous environmental hazards. There are no situations where we are happy to have grappling take place in the quest area and we have changed the rules to make that restriction explicit.

Sadly there have also been situations in Anvil (particularly late at night in the Senate) where players are getting involved in grappling while drunk and with no attempt to ensure that the other party is keen to do so. This has resulted in tempers flaring and grappling rapidly becoming out-of-character. The individuals in question have been given a warning, but we have changed the rules so that you can only grapple in a small fight with the permission of the referee. You can expect the referee not to refuse to give permission if they are satisfied that both parties are sober and keen to grapple with each other and that the area is safe to do so.

Grappling in Empire is appropriate in cinematic duels and fights where both parties have indicated that they wish to do so. We don't see any need to stop that - and we believe that the new rules will present little restriction for players who are sensible about it. But the majority of players attending Empire are very keen not to be grappled by people they have not given permission to grapple and we want to ensure that they can enjoy the game without concern.

Large Creatures

We have changed the definition of what creatures are immune to calls in Empire. Only monstrous creatures, threats that are phys-repped using bulky all-encompassing full-body costumes such as the ice giant or the Grendel drakes will be immune to calls from now on. Ogres - and creatures with a similar phys-rep are now affected by calls normally.

We have also made clear that monstrous creatures cannot be healed on a battlefield using normal means.


Over time it has become clear that there are significant problems involved with large creatures. Because the only phys-rep requirement was to have a costume designed to make the wearer look bigger, the costume for ogres and other creatures was focussing too strongly on this element - and not strongly enough on the overall appearance. Using shoulder pads and similar made it much harder for the monsters to fight, because of the encumbrance. In essence we were hamstringing the monster volunteer just to meet the minimum phys-rep requirements for the creature to be large.

In play it has become clear that the ability of creatures just larger than a human to ignore calls was detrimental to the player experience. It is exactly this kind of creature that a warrior or magician would want to use their abilities on - so a character fighting toe-to-toe against such a beast should expect to be able to do so. Nullifying character abilities at the point of optimum use is not good game design - but the problem is particularly acute when those creatures are relatively common.

Crucially defining our powerful monsters by their size was at odds with our guidelines on equality and diversity. Inevitably the creatures that are immune to calls are seen as one of the most appealing monsters to play on the battlefield. Unfortunately it was impossible for a third of our player base to visibly meet the requirements for large creatures - adding shoulder pads to a short participant was insufficient to make them look large. This contributed to a problem that has been identified in recent years in which short players (which because of human anatomy often means female players) were not being given exciting roles to play when monstering battles. We're keen to ensure that everyone who volunteers to monster for us gets opportunities to play roles on the battlefield based on their ability to portray them and not their physique.

Monstrous creatures that are phys-repped using a full body costume will remain immune to calls. While it is not ideal for any player ability to fail in any situation, threats like these are intended to be fought and taken-down by entire units of players. These monsters need special methods to defeat them, they don't go toe-to-toe with individual characters and so they don't fall over to a single arrow or heroic blow.

Changing the definition of a monstrous creature from size to a bulky full-body costume, we can ensure that the physique of the person playing the role is irrelevant.

Further Reading