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The most exquisite strains of Catazaari grapes are cultivated at Signori d'Argento.


The Signori d'Argento Vine Tender is an Imperial title commissioned by Brother Dagon of the Shattered Tower using an Imperial Wayleave. The position of Vine Tender is a sinecure, requiring minimal responsibility but offering a regular monetary income.

The garden is in the region of Foracci, Sarvos, on the outskirts of the Aversa Estates.


The Vine Tender has no particular responsibilities; they simply receive a stipend from the vineyards. If the Signori d'Argento were to be threatened in any way, however, it would be their responsibility to deal with those threats. Likewise, if any opportunity relating to the vineyards presented itself, they would make any decisions needed to take advantage of it.


The Vine Tender is an Imperial title that grants custodianship of a sinecure.

Vine Tender's Stipend

The holder of the sinecure receives 10 crowns, 16 rings each season from the vineyards.


The Vine Tender is a League national position appointed by the Senate. Under normal circumstances it will be appointed by unanimous vote of the League senators.

Because this is a national position, the title can only be held by a League citizen.


The Vine Tender has tenure and serves until they die, step down or are revoked.

They can be revoked by the League national assembly, the General assembly or the Assembly of the Nine.

Signori d'Argento Vineyards

A plantation of the most exquisite cultivars of Catazarro wines to be planted at the outskirts of Aversa Estate