Recent Ministries

The list includes all ministries which have been created or appointed in recent times.

Name of Ministry Method of Appointment Location Output Tenure
Bailiff of the Grand Market Bourse, Marches, Farms Mitwold, Meade March Assorted Year, Winter
Bonesetter of Torfast Trading Post Bourse, Imperial Orcs, Military Units Skarsind, Southpine Assorted Year, Spring
Blackroot Broker Senate, Navarr Miaren, Holtford Assorted Year, Summer
Broker of Treji Wayhouse Bourse, Navarr, Herb Gardens Hercynia, The Glen of Shadows Assorted Year, Summer
Burgher of Ketsov Bourse, Varushka, Forests and Mines Ossium, Galath Fields Assorted Year, Summer
Celesti Lighthouse Keeper Senate, Brass Coast Feroz, Oranseri Mana crystals Year, Spring
Eastern Broker Senate, Navarr Therunin, Peakedge Assorted Year, Summer
Kruidenkenner Trademaster Bourse, Open auction Necropolis, Longbeach Herbs Year, Spring
Custodian of the Assayer's Guild Bourse, The League, Businesses Temeschwar, Locul Metals Year, Spring
Custodian of Ivarsgard Docks Bourse, Varushka, Forests and Mines Karsk, Lestazny Herbs Year, Spring
Dhomiro of the Cinnabar Hills Bourse, Brass Coast, Fleets Kahraman, Braydon's Jasse Metals Year, Autumn
Foreman of the Mines of Gulhule Bourse, Imperial Orcs, Military Units Skarsind, Estermark Metals Year, Spring
Four Seasons' Boneweaver Bourse, Imperial Orcs Skarsind, Estermark Mana crystals Year, Winter
High Herbalist of Sybella Senate, Highguard Bastion, Sybela Cross Herbs Lifetime
Kalpaheim Tradeholder Bourse, Wintermark, Military Units Hahnmark, Kalpamark Assorted Year, Summer
Liaison to the Temple in Nemoria Synod, Freeborn Assembly Nemoria, Asavea Assorted Year, Winter
Magic Butcher Senate, The League Temeschwar, Hanuri Mana crystals Year, Spring
Master of the Clearing House Senate, The League Tassato, Tassato Mestra Herbs Year, Summer
Master of the Root and Stem Bourse, Marches, Farms Mitwold, Meade March Bladeroot Year, Summer
Master of Sarcombe Metal Market Senate, The Marches Mournwold, Southmoor Metals Year, Autumn
Mistress of the Glass Parador Bourse, Brass Coast, Fleets Madruga, Siroc Plains Assorted Year, Summer
Northbound Trademaster Bourse, The League, Businesses Temeschwar, Hanuri Assorted Year, Summer
Overseer of the Cavabianca Dock Bourse, The League, Businesses Sarvos, Cigno White granite Year, Summer
Overseer of the Westward Road Bourse, Varushka, Forests and Mines Karov, Duzekani Assorted Year, Winter
Quaymaster of the Black Sails Synod, Assembly of Loyalty Necropolis, Longbeach Assorted Year, Autumn
Steward of the Sarvos Mana Exchange Senate, The League Sarvos, Cigno Mana crystals Year, Spring
Steward of the Tassato Mana Exchange Senate, The League Tassato, Tassato Mestra Mana crystals Year, Summer
Vizier of the Incarnadine Satchel Bourse, Brass Coast, Fleets Feroz, Morajasse Herbs Year, Spring