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This page lists the names of all Imperial citizens who currently hold an Imperial title. Previous title holders are listed historically below (as recorded at the end of the relevant summit). For more information on how they were elected, please refer to imperial elections and the Election schedule

The Throne

Uniquely the Imperial Throne wields significant power in the Senate, Synod, Conclave and Military Council.

Imperial Senate


A Senator has the right to raise a motion in the Imperial Senate and crucially to vote on the outcome. Each senator is elected to represent a single territory and may be expected to serve the interests of the occupants of that territory.

The Freeborn Senators

The Dawnish Senators

The Highborn Senators

The Imperial Orc Senators

The League Senators

The Marcher Senators

The Navarr Senators

The Urizeni Senators

The Varushkan Senators

The Wintermark Senators

Member of the Senate

Members of the Senate have the right to speak in the Senate, to partake in the debate when motions are discussed. Some members also have the right to vote or to raise a motion.


Ambassadors are usually appointed by the Imperial Senate - they are expected to take the lead in diplomatic relations with the foreign power or entity and all official ambassadors have the right to negotiate a treaty. A senator must use a Senate motion to submit the treaty for ratification by the Senate - but ratification only requires a single senate motion, regardless of how many legal changes are required to ratify the treaty.

Advisors and Consuls

The Imperial Senate has delegated a number of powers to individual titles giving them the ability to employ legal powers normally reserved for the Senate such as the power to instruct the department for historical research or order a commission. Some of these positions incorporate the responsibility to provide the Senate with advice and council on a specific subject.

Imperial Synod

The Assembly of the Nine

After the General Assembly, the Assembly of the Nine is the most powerful of the individual assemblies of the Synod. The Assembly of Nine consists of the eight cardinals appointed by the virtue assemblies and the Throne. Each member of the Assembly is able to raise a single judgement and has a single vote.

The Gatekeepers

Each of the seven cardinals of Virtue is able to appoint a single gatekeeper. The gatekeepers decide who is to receive one of the precious doses of true liao each summit, and some serve as close allies and assistants of their respective cardinal.

The Inquisitors

The Virtue inquisitors are intended to form an Inquisitorial court in conjunction with the Imperial Inquisitor, to oversee inquisitions and ensure their accountability and transparency.

The Champions of Virtue

The Champions of Virtue are the bearers of the artefact Pilgrim's Shields, and serve as inspirations to the pilgrims of the faith and laity as to what it means to be Virtuous, particularly in a military context.


The Imperial Senate has delegated a number of powers to individual titles giving them the ability to employ legal powers normally reserved for the Synod such as the power to conduct an inquisition or to withdraw funds from the Virtue fund. Most of these envoys have very specific responsibilities or areas of concern.

Imperial Military Council


A General has the right to issue campaign orders to the Imperial army they lead. They can also speak in the Imperial Military Council and vote to decide in the Muster which battle opportunities presented by the Sentinel Gate will be pursued.

The Freeborn Generals

The Dawnish Generals

The Highborn Generals

The Imperial Orc Generals

The League Generals

The Marcher Generals

The Navarr Generals

The Urizeni General

The Varushkan Generals

The Wintermark Generals

Member of the Military Council

Members of the Military Council can raise issues and speak in the Imperial Military Council and vote to decide in the Muster which battle opportunities presented by the Sentinel Gate will be pursued.

Imperial Conclave


Although every magician may vote, only the grandmaster of a Conclave order or the Throne can authorize a citizen to speak in the Imperial Conclave. They also have control of the considerable resources of their order.


Each archmage represents the Empire to the various inhabitants of their appropriate realm. To empower them to carry out their work, each archmage may choose to send a short missive to a single named eternal of their realm each summit.

College Masters

Each of these titles has control of an Imperial college of magic granting them the ability to direct the Empire's magicians to create new rituals.

Agents of the Conclave

Conclave related titles - most are elected by the Declaration of Candidacy as part of a Conclave session.

Imperial Bourse

The most significant titles in the Bourse are commonly referred to as Bourse seats. Almost all these seats provide the citizen who controls them with a significant supply of bourse materials each season. Controllers of Imperial seats will usually sell these materials to the highest bidder, controllers of national seats are sometimes expected to provide materials at reduced rates for worthy causes to members of their nation. For historical reasons the Master of the Imperial Mint and the Castellan of Spiral Castle are both considered to be a Bourse seat even though neither are associated with the production of bourse resources any longer.

Ilium Seats

Mithril Seats

Weirwood Seats

White Granite Seats

Other Seats

Other Titles

There are scores of other Imperial titles - many of which are relatively minor in nature. A sinecure or ministry might provide a wealthy income but rarely includes any legal powers or significant responsibilities beyond ensuring the safety of the structure that provides the income.

Senate Appointment

These titles are appointed by unanimous decision of the senators of the appropriate nation, or by vote of the Senate if the senators cannot decide. These positions are usually important or relevant for national politics.

Military Council

These titles are appointed by simple majority of any members of the Military Council who are eligible to vote and are present when the election takes place. A national position appointed by the Military Council follows the same process, but only the generals of that nation are allowed to vote.

Bourse Auction

Like the more significant Bourse seats, these Imperial titles are elected by Auction of the Seats - going to the highest bidder. They usually provide the controller with access to a valuable ministry or a sinecure that provides herbs, mana crystals or other resources which may be available for sale.

Tally of the Votes

Like national Bourse seats, these Imperial titles are elected by Tally of the Votes - going to whichever candidate enjoys the most support from citizens of their nation. They usually provide the controller with access to a valuable ministry or a sinecure that provides herbs, mana crystals or other resources which may be available for sale.

Conclave Declaration

These seats are elected by declaration of candidacy in the Imperial Conclave. They often provide the recipient with an income of important magical materials of some kind.

Synod Judgement

These seats are elected by judgement of appointment by the appropriate assembly of the Imperial Synod when they fall vacant. They often provide the recipient with additional Synod votes or liao.

Throne Appointment

These titles are directly appointed by the Throne and are usually expected to serve the interests of the current Throne.

Cardinal Appointment

The Curator of the Printer's Guild Museum is directly appointed by the Cardinal of Prosperity when they assume office. The position provides the recipient with additional Synod votes and liao.

Other Methods

These titles are often elected by a national contest of some form. The knight-protectors of Dawn who win their title by victory in a grand tourney whereas the Doyen of the Spires must win a vote of their peers. The holders of these titles are often expected to employ the powers of their title in service to their nation where appropriate.